Posted on September 7, 2007
Filed Under Tidbits
Ok, here we go.
My 2 questions I got hung up on are solved (sleeping over things is always a good idea)… who will be the judges and will I make everything to test it?
The answers: 1. Who will be the judges? YOU GUYS!!! 2. Do I make everything? Nope. YOU do!!!
Make Real Food Look Like Something Else
Yeah, that’s the name of the contest.
1. It has to be edible, or at least most of it.
2. The idea doesn’t have to be original. (Should that be classified as a rule? )
3. YOU or someone in your house has to make it… no just scanning in a picture from a magazine or something!
4. All entries have to be submitted on or before September 24 by sending me a picture of it.
5. You can enter as many times as you want.
6. Anyone can enter… you don’t have to be subscribed to seasoned_to_taste or even have a xanga site. BUT, if you are subscribed, you will automatically get an extra point (vote from me) when counting up how many votes each picture got.
How it should work:
You make something, take a picture of it BEFORE your kids eat it, and send the picture to me. You can send it by email (if you have my regular email address, go ahead and use it instead of the gmail one).
On September 25, I will TRY to get all the pictures loaded onto my site. They will be numbered, but anonymous. Then, you can look over them and vote only once for your favorite one, either by messaging me or in a comment (it’s up to you if you want your vote to be private or not). You can vote through October 1, then on October 2, I’ll announce the winner. If there is a tie of more than one winner, I’ll put the winning names into a hat and have my 4-yr-old pick one out.
If you win, I want to post:
1. A picture of you
2. Your first name
3. The state or province that you’re from
4. A little description of HOW you made what you made (if it’s not obvious)
5. A link to your site, if you have one
And, of course, in every good contest, there is a PRIZE :
The winner will get a
Pampered Chef Easy Accent Decorator !
Comes with 6 different tips… 2 star tips, round tip (good for writing), half moon shell tip, drop flower tip, and a bismark tip (for filling bismarks). The ideas are endless! Decorate everything. Fill twice-baked potatoes and deviled eggs to make them look more attractive. If you were creative enough to win this contest, you should be able to think of lots of ways to use it!
And if you already have one or don’t want one, enter anyway! It’s brand new in the box and would make a great birthday gift for your mom or a wonderful wedding gift!
Now for those of you who like ideas, here are some…
1. A cauliflower bride (no, I’m not kidding). Carve a zucchini in to a cone shape, put cauliflower florets on with toothpicks. Her head is a small onion. her hair is carrot shavings, her arms…)
2. Meatloaf cake. This is an April Fool’s thing. Shaped like a two-layer cake, the meatloaf looks like chocolate cake and the mashed potatoes look like frosting. And it’s decorated!
3. Flower pot. Chocolate cake mix baked in a muffin tin. Take one muffin and wrap fruit roll-ups around it to resemble it being in a pot. Flatten gumdrops and cut out flower shapes and leaves and make them stand up in the “dirt” (choc muffin) with a pretzel as the stem.
4. Shaped cakes.
I know I have pictures of these things in a stash of stuff in my cupboard. I’ll go see if I can find them.
Found some…
The meatloaf cake. And, by the way, that little taco salad is chocolate ice cream topped with yellow and green-colored coconut, marichino cherries, Cool Whip, and cut up black licorice, all in a waffle cup.
The flower pot. This picture is Lexi ‘s prized possession (because she wants to make them sometime) that Tiffany got ahold of and crumpled and ripped, causing some tears.
A shaped cake. Inside the tent is solid cake, the orange is marzipan… kinda fun stuff to work with, although I didn’t make this tent cake! The only time I used marzipan was on Lexi’s 1st birthday cake…
So, let’s have fun! I can’t wait to hear from you! If you have any questions, just ask… I’ll quick make something up.
Oh, Kay, I just had to tell you that I go through these same feelings of wanting to open a bakery!!! My daughter has been begging me to do it too. For now, I’m content to just be the official baker for all of the family functions. I just don’t like the idea of HAVING to bake every day a whole lot, even if I don’t feel like it. I’m thinking that eventually I would lose my love of baking and it would become a chore!!
I don’t know about in Wisconsin, but could you make desserts to sell to diners/shops or something? I think that would be ideal, but I can’t do it in NY because of health department regulations (would have to have a whole separate kitchen that passes inspection.) I’m always looking for ways to share my baking. It always makes me feel good!