Posted on March 30, 2009
Filed Under Birthday cakes
I’m going to do this cake a little different. Instead of making it and updating when it’s done, I’ll keep editting this post and update as I go. So far, we have the animals and a baked 9×13 cake.
So, if you want to watch it develop into a whimsical little Noah’s Ark, check back now and then! At least we hope that’s what it’ll develop into anyway… ????
Next update: I cut 2 pieces from the cake (approx 5″x the width of the cake) and stacked them…
Now it’s shaped a bit and has a door… yeah, frosting covers alot of imperfections!
By the way, Tiffany dug into the top of it, if you see a hole in the top. She said, “Well, I just wanted to taste it. You can mix the hole up again so we can’t see it.” Huh?
Now we’ve got some frosting on…
I know, the door didn’t get in the middle. I did that on purpose. ???? Just kidding, I was trying for the middle. *roll eyes*
Now the top part is going on…
Know what’s between that chunk of cake and the graham cracker ‘roof’? Frosting. Lots of frosting. I just piled a whole bunch on top and squished the graham crackers down over it. Doesn’t get much easier than that!
Tiffany said now she wants water for her boat.
Lexi just got home from school (she’s in Kindergarten)…
Got some trim on…
The animals are chompin’ on the bit to get in their ark.
The grass is started…
Here’s how far I got with the grass till my hand was sore AND I ran out of green frosting. So, instead of trying to make more and match it, I decided to just make ‘dirt instead. I was actually going to make the whole thing dirt because it was, after all, a construction site. But, the cake was colorless enough with the brown ‘wood’, so I thought grass would brighten it up a bit.
The girls are pairing up the animals. Soon, I’ll turn them loose with putting them in the grass and up the ramp.
The animals are going on…
And the cake is DONE!
Here’s the birthday girl. The party is tomorrow.
Roxanna asked in the comments where I got the animals… I got them at JoAnn Fabrics. My SIL Liz found them for me.
Other birthday cakes:
—winter scarf, hat, boots, & gloves cake
—doghouse cake and Legos cake
—coloring book cake
—cake with roses and ribbon
—123ABC blocks cake, snowman cake, ice cream cone cake, & house cake
Now it’s the next day. The birthday party is over. Editting to add a couple more pictures…
33 Responses to “Tiffany’s 3rd birthday cake, Noah’s Ark…”
looks good so far! i’ll be checking back later that’s for sure. got to love the thinking of a 3 year old.
Lookin’ good so far.
Looks good! I just made a baseball cake for Jadon for his 3rd b-day. It was alot of fun!
Cute!! I love interesting birthday cakes!
That’s the cutest cake I’ve ever seen!
I’m impressed! That is sooo cute! I think even I could do that! Where did you get those animals?
You did such a great it!!
wow! that is very cute!
Very clever! You sure are creative! Tell Tiffany Grandma’s worried about her two alligators. they’ll need water…indoor pool?
The girls are having fits over it. M wants to know if I can make them one. “Noooooooooooo”
I love it!! I’ll have to put that in my “birthday cake” file!!
what is the dirt?
The dirt is cake crumbs, but that looked too dark, so I crushed graham crackers up and sprinkled some on top of the cake crumbs.
Neat! So can we come to the party tomorrow? =) How did you make the ridge on top?
Very cute cake…
Ruthie, yeah, come!
For that ridge, I just put frosting in a plastic bag, snipped about 1/2″ of the corner off, and piped it on. I thought it would be round, but was pleased when it turned out more vertical.
So cute… I think that I’ll try it. But I’m far too lazy to make grass out of frosting. I think you can put coconut and a drop of green food coloring in a ziploc bag and squish it together and use that. But then the animals might not stay standing. Guess I’ll have to think about it awhile. I have til June.
Cheryl Weaver
That is so adorable!!
That is absolutely ADORABLE!!!! I’ve never tried doing a cake, but this is just too tempting and I know my daughters would LOVE it. =)
That’s amazing!! GREAT job!
All I can say is you are one amazing lady! GREAT JOB! Happy Birthday, Tiffany! And have fun at your party.
I did have to smirk a little bit that she dug into the cake. If I would have tried to make that cake, Trevor would NEVER have been able to sit there mildly watching me frost. And your girls just sit there so calmly waiting to put the animals on.
Wow! That is amazing, and ever so cute. Did anybody ever tell you that you really should do cakes for a living…. seriously. Good job! Happy birthday, Tiffany!
Great job Mom! It looked like a lot of work, but that smile on that last picture must have made it worth it.
How adorable! Great job and Happy Birthday Tiffany from Rhode Island!!!
WOW! I know who I’ll be asking to ask to do my b-cakes. You are too good and so close. YOU ARE HIRED!Happy Birthday Tiffany!
Wow you are amazing and so creative! Your children are so lucky to have you for a mom! I think a cake like that is a dream come true for most children!
awww! kay the cake is adorable!! Brianna is sitting on my lap and drooling for a cake like it!!it is very very neat!
What a great cake! Awesome!
I love the elephant behinds going in the door!
Tons of great photos!
So cute!! My 4 year old son was thrilled with all your cakes.:) Of course he wants one too, but his Mom is not good with cake decorating.:(
How much icing do you make to decorate an average cake? Do you have your icing recipe on here somewhere?
NEAT cake, Kay! Jared has been begging for a Thomas cake, but when he saw Tiffany’s cake he changed his mind! He only has a few days to decide! Hey, I haven’t browsed your site for ages, but it made me miss you like crazy!! (gulp!)…you’re one of a kind! (In a very GOOD way!) You really need to come back to WI for a visit!! Just maybe we’ll see you in OH this summer?! Shaina says “Hi” to Lexi!
Love the cake. going to make one for my daughthers 4th birthday this weekend.
Thanks for the lovely photos.
thats a A plus for me !!! thank you
you are very clever i like to decorate cakes tooo its real fun
ummm… can you list some ingrediants im goin to try make a ark wish me luck