Posted on February 14, 2009
Filed Under For special occassions, Holiday cooking
Lexi (6) was all into Valentines all week. So often I heard “Hey, we should try making that into a heart shape because, you know, it IS Valentines!” And setting foot inside a store created alot of inhales and exclaiming from her (the V-tine displays were always right inside the door). And she has a stack of Valentines ready to go with her to church tomorrow for her little friends.
We had a bit of fun earlier this week. We took regular cookie recipes and made Valentine cookies out of them. We used the Smiling Sugar Cookie recipe featured here, only they cut heart shapes out of rolled out dough instead of forming balls and putting popsicle sticks in them. We also used my good ol’ chocolate chip cookie recipe (which I don’t think I ever featured) and left the chocolate chips out, then they put chocolate decor on top of the cookies.
First up is the sugar cookies…
And then the chocolate chip cookies, with a bit of variation…
First, I melted chocolate and spread it out to harden, then they cut hearts out of it for on top of some of the cookies.
Then, they cut the rest of the cookies into heart shapes and decorated them with melted chocolate…
Now the cookies are all ready. We separated them out, one batch for each Grandma. Lexi scrapbooked cards for each one and we packed them in a box and UPSed them.
P.S. I did help some with these cookies so the process wouldn’t drag on and on.
And now, we wish you a Happy Valentines Day, with our Valentines gifts from Husband/Dad.
4 Responses to “Valentine Cookies for Grandma – Cooks in Training #5”
Ohhh that looks like fun! M has been soo into V-day this year too. The V-day party at school didn’t help the hype.
I love that last picture!!! You and your flowers are beautiful and they look so cute holding theirs.
Awww….I think that is so sweet that the little girls got flowers from their Daddy. Precious!
hey, it’s good see pics of u guys again. So what happens if the box comes within the next couple of days? i’ll send an e-mail with more thoughts
Liz, don’t eat ‘em.
Actually, the box got to the office yesterday. When we made them, we forgot they were gonna be gone.