Hi! Welcome to my kitchen! My name is Kay. I’m from central Ohio. I love cooking and baking. Especially baking. It’s therapeutic for me. I’m not a professional or gourmet cook by any means. I’m a Christian homemaker who happens to take pictures of some of the food I make. I have 3 helpers… Lexi (14), Tiffany (10), and Megan (6) who are young cooks in training. I don’t do anything on the grill… that’s where my husband Shannon comes in! He grills quite a bit, especially in the summer. So, sit back and enjoy browsing thro’ the recipes. If you try some of them, I’d love to hear feedback on how you liked them! If you want to contact me, my email address is kay@kitchenscrapbook.com
oh my gosh you’re like a professional!!! right?!?