Posted on April 2, 2008
Filed Under Thursday Thirteens
I don’t know how many recipes are on here, but I have spent the last while going thro’ and picking out my favorites. Well, that’s not quite accurate… if they’d be my top favorites, they’d probably all come from the dessert or cookie category. Chocolate this, chocolate that. And your eyes would glaze over. So, instead, I went thro’ the categories and picked one from each of 13 categories… some categories were hard to choose from!
So, here are 13 of the recipes I’d recommend trying sometime (the recipe name is linked to the post that the recipe is featured on). Try something for supper tonight! If you have all the ingredients, that is. I often think it would be so handy to live nextdoor to the grocery store, what with my lack of planning ahead and all!
1. Monster cookies – from the Cookies and Bars category.
This is the kind of cookie that I make the most often, even way more than regular chocolate chip cookies. I bake these probably about every 6 – 8 weeks… more often if I’m not on a diet. Speaking of which, yes, I do know the calorie count. It’s 175 calories per cookie if you get 7 dozen out of the batch.
2. Glazed Meatloaf – from the Beef category.
After years of looking for the perfect meat loaf recipe, I finally found it. It is just incredible. And I don’t even put the shredded carrots in. That top ketchup part is great too! Mmmmm, now I’m getting hungry.
3. Red Lobster Biscuits – from the Breads, Biscuits, and Rolls category.
Ever been to Red Lobster? These taste like the real thing! They are so soft and so good and very melt-in-your-mouth. Just delicious! And they’re fast and easy… except the part where you beat the dough with a wooden spoon for 30 seconds!
4. Raspberry Cream Cheese Rolls – from the Sweet rolls and Coffee cakes category.
I’ve gotten several recipe requests for these after people have tried them at my house. You start with donut mix instead of from scratch. I couldn’t find donut mix at any grocery stores around here, but found it then at a bulk foods store. That cream cheese filling in there is so good. You could also try other fruit filling instead of raspberry.
5. Fudge – from the Candy category.
I’m taken with this stuff! Fudge is probably the food that I have the hardest time resisting. We won’t go into detail about things like how much I’ve eaten in one sitting already. This is so easy to make with only 4 or 5 ingredients and you don’t need more than a microwave and something to stir with.
6. Easy Chocolate Lover’s Cheesecake – from the Desserts category.
Ok, you just KNOW you can’t go wrong here! Cheesecake, caramel, and chocolate… what a trio!
7. Steak & Cheese Stromboli – from the Main dishes category.
As good as it looks! I make the pizza variation quite a bit too. Sometimes, if I’m in a hurry, I use Pillsbury refrigerated pizza dough (from a pop-able can).
8. Brown Sugar Pie – from the Pies category.
I’ve loved this pie for as long as I can remember. My dad grew up with it and his dad grew up with it. If we have an extended family get-together and there’s not brown sugar pie there, there will be a complaint or 2. And don’t put Cool Whip on it! I thought it was weird that when I got married, my husband didn’t know what it was. Then, I found out that alot of people don’t know what it is. The recipe has good tips from Grandma… try it!
9. Open-faced Pork Chop Sandwich – from the Pork and Ham category.
Fire up the grill! My husband made up this sandwich. In fact, he wrote the post that the recipe is featured on. We have this sandwich pretty often and have made it for company. It’s great! Very basic ingredients. Perfect for those summer-time cookouts!
10. All-in-one Taco Salad – from the Salads category.
Delicious!!!! One handy thing about this salad is that it can be put together ahead of time, then tossed just before serving. One of the church ladies makes a huge bowl of it pretty often for potlucks and it gets licked clean about every time. It’s not spicy, but it’s got lots of flavor.
11. Twice-baked Potatoes – from the Side dishes category.
Company coming? These make a good impression! They’re very attractive, not to mention very good! This is actually something I serve quite a bit when we have company. Another nice thing is that they freeze well, so you can make them ahead of time or just keep them on hand in the freezer.
12. Layered Finger Jello – from the Snacks category
This is more in here for the fun it is than for the taste, although I still have enough kid in me to really like finger jello! The reason it’s fun is because you can make it fit to any occassion by using certain colors of jello (red and green for Christmas; red, white, & blue for 4th of July, etc.). I also tried a sugar-free version and it turned out great!
13. Iced Tea – from the Beverage category.
The Pampered Chef pitcher that I use to make this tea doesn’t really have a home in the cupboard. It’s better off in the fridge with iced tea in it. If you know what meadow tea is, it’s comparable to that. But this is a much handier and faster way to make it!
Don’t forget to go visit other Thirteeners at Thursday Thirteen!
13 Responses to “13 Recipes You’ve Gotta Have! Thursday Thirteen #2”
Great listing! Happy TT, mine’s up too hope you can drop by!
Oooh, mouth watering! I have to check these out, great idea for a TT!
Glazed meatloaf looks great – I’m going to give that a shot this week! Thanks for sharing!
What a great TT idea! Yummy…and now I need a snack
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog…and yes, you need to try the chicken cordon bleu…easy and very delish.
I have already tried your glazed meatloaf recipe, but used half sausage/half hamburger.
My husband LOVED it. So, that is the meatloaf recipe I will use now. Thanks for sharing.
Of all the things I miss from growing up, the wonderful foods of the Mennonite community are the most memorable…and now you’ve made me hungry all over again! Great T-13!
This post reminded me again how grateful I am for your ‘teaching’ me about that good tea! Actually, now I’ve found one I like just as good or better–and it’s still easy. Get dried spearmint leaf tea from the bulk foods store (if you can) which works great in a coffee perk too, and I think tastes as close to meadow tea as “your” stuff…
We like your pork chop sandwich, too, ‘cept I do an open face grilled cheese and top it ( I think it’s easier than making toast, making the sauce hot and melting the cheese that way).
Anyway thanks for all your great recipes!! Keep them coming!!!
I’m gonna have to try the rolls again.
AND the cheesecake. 
I love your T13. I’ve just started this thing and they are all sooooo different. Definitely adding you to my blog roll. Think I’ll be back often for more recipes. Thanks
These are sooo not on my eating plan, but they look wonderful! Especially the Strombolli!
I love the tea! I gave some to my husband and didn’t tell him what it was. He was convinced it was garden tea. I think I’ve made it just about every day for the past week.