Posted on August 19, 2010
Filed Under Birthday cakes, Tidbits
Her name is:
She’s not sugar-free… she’s full and overflowing with sweetness.
Here she is…
She’s a bundle of pudge and coos and smiles and wiggles… well, ok, and some crying and blowouts too.
Lexi & Tiffany adore her. Here they are when she was brand new…
And here they are just recently…
Megan’s middle name is Lydia. Megan Lydia. One reason we wanted to use it is for a namesake of a dear grandmother… Shannon’s grandma’s name was Lydia. Another reason we wanted to use it is because on the day we found out that we were expecting Megan, we also got the news of Grandma passing away. It was a life and a death notice all in one day. Bittersweet.
Speaking of Grandma Lydia, the ABC blanket under these cupcakes was hand-quilted by her for Lexi (who is now 7). Someday, I’ll probably have trouble deciding whether to pass it on to Lexi who it was made for or Megan who is her namesake.
Sleeping… she goes 5-hour stretches at night and a few times has slept ALL night! Not bad for 2 1/2 months! I’m quite proud of her!
I wish somehow I could put a cyber-squish on here so you could hold her for a minute, especially for my mom who lives miles away and hasn’t gotten to cuddle her for awhile. ????
She weighed 7 lbs 12 oz at birth and tipped the scales to 13 1/2 lbs at her 2-month check-up… no wonder she grew out of some of those adorable little clothes before I got to wear them on her enough!
And that’s our Little Cupcake. A Little Cupcake that is to blame for my blog suffering over the last year. A Little Cupcake that’s pretty much the boss around here, but we’re fine with that because we think she’s the darlingest thing around.
Speaking of cupcakes, here are the real ones up close… decorated with fondant and frosting. My little Cooks in Training helped make the stuff on top. We sat down and had what Lexi called a “girl’s meeting” to discuss what to put on top of the 12 cupcakes and the name and these 7 things is what we came up with. As we were making the things, Tiffany (4) kept calling the fondant Play-doh. And when she wasn’t calling the fondant Play-doh, she was asking if she could eat some more frosting.
Hopefully, you can tell what they all are, but just in case you can’t, they are: a bib, a blanket, a bottle, baby feet, baby face with a pacifier, rattle, and baby blocks.
19 Responses to “Introducing… Our Newest Little Cupcake”
Well I think you have the best excuse ever for not blogging! Congrats!! She is just beautiful! Missed seeing your posts!
She is a sweetie – and I love the cupcakes.
Hi Kay,
Such a perfect dolly. Thanks for sharing your cupcake. I LOVE the cybesquish idea. We’ve been hugging our little Jubilant for almost two months now while he’s home from Thailand because when he goes back there’ll be no more chances for squishes.
That picture of Megan sleeping with her arms up over her head is just so, so cute! I love how babies do that! Adorable cupcakes, too! I loved the “girl’s meeting.” It made me feel all nostalgic about mom and us girls sitting down to discuss fun stuff.
Oh my word… it’s been to long since I’ve seen her. Can’t believe how BIG she is!! She looks more like your other 2 now! Adorable cupcakes by the way, esp the one with the blanket!
Congratulations, Kay! It’s so nice to see photos of your sweet bundle. In the top photo I sure think she looks like a little Schrock.
I imagine that Lexi is a good baby-watcher for you. Y’all enjoy your precious gift!
I’ve MISSED YOU!!! Congrats on the beautiful baby girl! I have 3 girls also….wouldn’t change a thing! She is precious!
Aww. She has some of the same looks as your other girls. What a neat way to do the first post in not sure how long.
Aw, CUTE! Congrats.
Love the cuppies.
Love that term–cybersquish!
How i missed your cooking. But i truely understand. your little bundle is so cute and your other girls have grown so much. You got some good helpers there.
Congrats on the birth of little Megan! She’s a sweetie. I had my third boy on June 7… when was little Megan born? Take care, Connie Sue
Oh yeah, Connie, I guess I didn’t even say when she was born! June 1. Wow, so we have babies only about a week apart!
YES!! Perfect post in every way! Love you and all your three girls! You make them so fun. Mom and Grandma
oh my goodness. she IS big!! She looks like Tiffany, I think.
CEEUUTTEE cupcakes!
such a sweet little cupcake indeed! i love all of the memories and meaning to her name. what a precious connection between the generations of people that you love.
it has been weeks since i was able to skuh-weeze her and i can’t believe how much she has grown! wow! hooray for sleeping at night!
blessings to you Kay!
oh! and the edible cupcakes here are real neat too! tell your little cooks that they did a super job! you too!
Congratulations! She is so cute! I stopped by for a recipe and you had updated. yeah.
Congratulations Kay! I missed your posts so much. I wondered if something serious had happened that you weren’t on here anymore! So happy to read it was something wonderful – your adorable little (not so little!!) Megan! She’s a precious GIFT from God.
So good to hear from you again and see pics of your sweet li’l bundle! I missed your posts, not just cause of the food… because I missed hearing from YOU. You are one-of-a-kind creative.