Posted on August 31, 2009
Filed Under Breakfasts
REESES PUFFS! Any ‘amen!’s to that?
Whoever invented cold cereal with milk was brilliant. It’s quick. It’s good. It’s healthy.
This post isn’t going to have a recipe to make your own cold cereal, it’s just a post about cold cereal. BUT, if you do want to make something as good as cold cereal to eat with milk, make this granola.
Hands down, the best granola I’ve ever had. Maybe it’s because it has chocolate chips in it. Or maybe it’s because it has all regular ingredients in it.
Anyway, back to rambling about cold cereal. I think cold cereal actually started with Mr. Kellogg and Mr. Post, but whoever is behind General Mills came up with the kinds that are the biggest hit in our family. A couple weeks ago, Kelloggs was on sale AND I had Kelloggs coupons, so I bought a bunch of Kelloggs cereal. Well, big mistake. EVERY single day, Tiffany asked for “Yucky Charms” (she can’t say her L’s) and Lexi asked for Reeses Puffs or Cinnamon Toast Crunch. We were all glad when it was time to get cereal again… welcome to our cupboards again, General Mills! Especially Reeses Puffs!
We do also like Post Honeycomb, Kelloggs Fruit Loops and Big-bite Mini Wheats, Quaker Life and Cap’n Crunch, but not enough for them to be ‘regulars’ in our cereal cupboard. Give us Golden Grahams, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, and Resees puffs any day! Tiffany would eat cold cereal 3 meals a day plus snacks if I’d let her. And it really does make a great bedtime snack!
Anyway, I’m just curious… what kind of cereals are regulars in your cupboard? What do your kids like?
17 Responses to “The BEST cold cereal ever”
Reagan is the cereal lover here. She wants some every morning, no matter what else there is to eat. She is majorly hung up on Rice Krispies right now. I think it’s only because she gets to put sugar on them.
And yes, “Yucky” Charms are a hit too, once again, the marshmallows call!
Madison will just eat whatever is here, she’s not so picky. I don’t usually eat anything unless I’m pg then I’m starved. Reading about Captin Crunch makes me hungry for it again.
Eric, once a month or so he’ll actually eat breakfast and then it must be Honeynut Cheerios.
Fruity Pebbles or Cookie Crunch or Graham Crackers are what my kids eat. I like anything basically, just whatever we got. I like to switch off, but I usually end up with granola since that is most times what I have on hand other then the kids’ cereal. Erin, when he eats breakfast, likes granola or Honeynut Cheerios. Reeses Puffs are good, I agree, but I hardly ever buy them. I figure they will just go to “waist” anyway, and that is not what I need.
Oh and btw, did you ever try that granola with cinnamon chips? I did and it is GOOD!!! I will do it again.
Amen to Reese’s Puffs!! The best cereal ever!
(But I don’t eat them very often because they make the roof of my mouth sore…)
My boys enjoy homemade granola and the “hay-bale” cereal- frosted mini-wheats
I think you might need to examine the nutrition labels if you think that kind of cereal is healthy!! False flavorings, lots of sugar and/or corn syrup, and chocolate chips do not fall in my healthy category. =)
I’ll give you an amen about the Reese’s Puffs, but the granola wins, hands down. I put the semi-sweet chocolate chips in. That gives me my chocolate fix, so I rarely eat any later in the day.
Kimberly will eat cereal 3meals a day+ =)our reg ones are mostly like yours.kallie looovveess the reeses puffs!
Hi Kay, I bet you’re surprised to see a comment from me!
I was just taking my lunch break here at Rockland and decided to be really bold and leave you a comment.
Darren is our cereal lover. He always has been. I would say Quaker Life is the all time favorite around our house, but we eat quite a variety. Krista eats it, too, but she isn’t as die-hard as Darren. I’ve always been glad that they like it, because it makes such an easy breakfast. I personally don’t eat cereal because it does not appeal to me in the mornings. I do eat it for a snack sometimes. Bruce keeps it stocked over here at work and eats it almost every morning at first break.
I’m with Angela, cold cereal has a lot of sugar and they add the vitamins back in if I’m not mistaken to make it seem more like food. BUT, it’s a big hit here, too. For a few years I refused to buy it. Here’s why: Elv was taught at home to eat it every night before bed and the children caught on. When they eat cereal they eat lots. Well I want my cereal at the orthodox time and so the children wanted it then, as well. What with having cereal morning and night; Elv was gonna be broke fast. Now, since most of us around here are more calorie and healthy conscious than we used to be, we can afford to buy a bit of cereal now and then, again. Elv is the only one who eats it at bedtime and the children like other things just as well for breakfast.
interesting to see we are “normal” when it comes to cereal eaters! The boys will eat all of the cereals mention above and I think all 4 have different favorites. They will have it Sunday eve. if we’re at home. And I also have 2 that would eat it every day 3 or 4 times a day. A box of Reese’s Puffs don’t last more than a day.
Honey Bunches of Oats are a biggie here and I keep cheerioes on hand for the little ones. Icould live on the granola you had on here, Kay!! I add about 3 tsp cinnamon with that and some raisins, too. SOooooo good!!
An hour ago I told Dru I was craving pizza. Now it’s cold cereal. Mom, I still like cold cereal at bedtime. Alas, cold cereal in Thailand would rather blow the budget. We get it now and then but mostly I just gaze longingly, sigh, and walk on past. (Dru kind of gently tugs on my hand so that I remember it’s not a necessity of life.) It’s funny though, I remember dad eating cold cereal out of a particular green bowl–do you still have that bowl, Mom?
We love cold cereal @ here too!!! They always want all different kinds, so we mix a bunch of diff kinds together and always try to add a “healthy” kind–like a bunch of bran flakes!
My fav cereal is Great Grains with dates and pecans…sooooooo good. Reese’s Puffs are really good too…with milk or right out of the box. There is a great recipe for Reindeer Chow using Reeses Puffs, white chocolate, powdered sugar, dried cranberries, little pretzels and other things I cannot remember at the moment.
i’m addicted to life cereal. the honey graham flavor in particular. but reese’s would do in a pinch!
Yeah…was wondering where you got that it’s healthy! But yeah…I agree that it’s yummy and oh-so handy!