Posted on June 5, 2009
Filed Under Cookies and bars
You get these cookies. Not bad, huh?
Ok, time to dust off this site again. For those of you who have come back over the last 2 weeks to check if there’s anything new, do you sorta feel like you’re getting to know Trevor? And don’t you want one of his cookies?
We got a serious cookie craving awhile ago… Lexi said, “Mom, can we make cookies?” and I said “Sure!” and without another word, we both stopped what we were doing, headed for the kitchen and I went for the cookbooks and she pulled the flour out of the cupboard. That’s when you know it’s a serious cookie craving. If it wouldn’t have been, we would’ve just acted like that would be a good idea and say how we’d “sure like some cookies” and “maybe this evening we could make some” and then just went on with what we were doing.
The first problem was that we had no chocolate chips. The second problem was more serious… no eggs. There are LOTS of cookie recipes with no choc chips, but very few with no eggs. I thought of making Mary’s Cream Cheese Cookies. (The reason I thought of making those is because this exact thing had happened and after searching cookbook after cookbook, I had fiiiiiiiiiiiiinally found one without eggs.) I’ll bet you anything when Shannon reads this, he’ll wonder why I didn’t Google ‘cookie recipe no eggs’ or something like that. His brother Wendell will probably wonder that too. Now that I think of it, I kinda wonder too.
What ended up happening is that we have a brand new made-up recipe. Not usually what I have in mind when I say I’m gonna try a new recipe. I looked at the cream cheese cookie recipe this time and noticed there were no secret ingredients taking place of the eggs and I had sour cream in the fridge, so I combined and deleted some ingredients and changed a few amounts on a snickerdoodle and sour cream cookie recipe and here it is:
2 cups brown sugar
1 cup shortening
1 1/4 cups sour cream
4 cups flour
2 tsp. soda
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. vanilla
Cream sugar and shortening. Add dry ingredients alternately with sour cream. Add vanilla. Roll into balls. Flatten a bit. Sprinkle generously with cinnamon sugar. Lexi was in charge of putting on the cinnamon sugar and when she started loading it on, I almost said “Not so much!”, but just in time, I thought, ‘You know, that looks kinda good!’ And it was!
Bake for 12 minutes at 375.
Well, they look pretty normal, don’t they?
And they tasted great! Seriously! Sometime, I want to try them with chocolate chips and omit the cinnamon sugar. Or would cinnamon be good with chocolate chips?
Look how soft they are. They’re nice and chewy, not crunchy.
Now I hope that I’m not out of eggs AND sour cream AND cream cheese when the next cookie craving hits. If so, we’ll have to settle for No Bake Cookies, which isn’t a bad choice. At all.
Ok, I’m off to Google ‘Why do cookie recipes have eggs in them?’ Or maybe I’ll Bing it. Just this week, I learned there’s such a thing as Bing.
9 Responses to “What do you get when you mix snickerdoodles with sour cream cookies, but don’t have eggs?”
I thought I was the only one who ran out of stuff you shouldn’t ever be out of, like eggs. The cookies sound really good, but I have exactly one person in our household that even remotely needs cookies. And of course, he could care less, which is so not fair. But we do make cookies. I have a bucket of them in the freezer and Lance is supposed to know that and get a cookie craving now and then and snitch when he wants one. The other reason I like to keep cookies in the freezer is for when little children come to our house and they look up at me trustingly and ask for a snack. Do I look a grandma that much? Keep it up, Kay. My drop down kept you near the top, because I kept checking in.
Oh, I’ am so glad to know this! I have the occasional no-eggs-in-the-fridge thing going on too. They look wonderful! I think choc chips and cinnamon would go great together!
Well, what I would have done is gone to and put in the ingredients that I had and the ones I didn’t have (eggs) and then it would have given me a list of recipes that I could make. But, sounds like maybe it turned out better for you this way anyhow! I like baking with my kids…Kendall is my little kitchen helper.
A Story:
Faye is going to Sharon’s house.
Faye reads Kay’s site.
Faye thinks, Wow, no eggs, I could make some and even Sawyer could eat them.
Faye makes cookies and takes them to Sharon’s house. (Faye is nice, you know)
Everyone at Sharon’s house is just THRILLED (they don’t get cookies much), especially Sawyer.
End of Story.
Moral of Story: Kay’s a genius. Faye’s a thoughtful auntie. THANKS!
oh I forgot…
Yeah, next time try Google. You really can find cookie recipes without eggs. Some of them aren’t so good, but some of them really are.
Okay, so all this and now I don’t know what Bing is! Off to google!
But wait, those cookie look awesome. My husdbands favorite cookie is snickerdoodles. I’ll bet he’ll like these! Way to create and make do.
Cookies sound great. What happened to the cooking time and oven temp?
I just stumbled upon your cookies recipe and I must say these are fantastic. Thank you so much for posting this recipe — my husband and two boys absolutely love them!
Even though this is an old post (I came looking for it because I only have one egg and thought you had posted about making cookies without eggs) I just have to say that cinnamon and chocolate chips go great together. One of my kids’ favorite cookie is sour cream cookies. I always put chocolate chips in them. Which an acquaintance of ours thinks that it just ruins them. But obviously chocolate experts such as us should know better.
Thanks for the recipe.